WIFI BULB – REST API The myStrom WiFi BULB offers a REST API (REST = representational State Transfer). The interface allows you to access/control the bulb directly from your local network independently from myStrom - you don’t need a myStrom account or the myStrom app. With those rules you can integrate the switch in almost any environment. Important Note The interface is transparent and has no authentication. If someone has access to your local network, they will be able to control your switch. Please apply strong security mechanisms to protect your network. Set State ON – curl -d "action=on" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] OFF – curl -d "action=off" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] TOGGLE – curl -d "action=toggle" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] Get Values curl http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] { "6001940376FA": {"type": "rgblamp", "battery": false, "reachable": true, "meshroot": false, "on": true, "color": "0;0;100", "power": 5.8, "fw_version": "2.19" } Set Color RGB WHITE – curl -d "color=FF000000" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] RED – curl -d "color=00FF0000" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] GREEN – curl -d "color=0000FF00" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] BLUE – curl -d "color=000000FF" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] Set Color HSV curl -d "color=0;0;100" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] Dimming curl -d „action=on&ramp=1000&color=00FF0000" http://[IP]/api/v1/device/[MAC] Same in JSON { "18FE34D18A9C": {  "action": "toggle",  "ramp": 1000 }, "112233445566": {  "ramp": 1000,  "color": "00FFFFFF" }, } [IP] – IP Address of your Bulb e.g. [MAC] – MAC Address of your Bulb e.g 5CCF7F02D676 (all capital letters / no „:“)