API / Developers


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39.00 CHF


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39.00 CHF

myStrom pour développeurs

Grâce à  REST API les développeurs intègrent facilement des produits Smart Home dans leurs propres applications ou les contrôlent via leur réseau local.

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    appareils myStrom

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    myStrom Cloud

REST API for myStrom devices

myStrom Smart Home products offer a REST API (REST = Representational State Transfer). The interface allows you to access/control myStrom devices directly from your local network independent from myStrom – you don’t need a myStrom account or the myStrom app. With these rules you can integrate the switch in almost any environment. Please check the document below for further details.

  • myStrom Smart Home

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  • myStrom App

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  • myStrom WiFi Switch

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  • myStrom & IFTTT App

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